SELECT distinct c.`name` as cat_name, g.* FROM `yec_goods` g ,`yec_category` c , `yec_goods_spec` sp where g.cat_id = and g.goods_id = sp.goods_id and (g.cat_id in(76) or g.goods_id IN ('') ) and g.brand_id=81 and g.goods_id in(SELECT DISTINCT(goods_id) FROM (select goods_id, GROUP_CONCAT( attr_ids) attr_ids, GROUP_CONCAT( `values`) `values` from `yec_goods_attr` a where 1 and attr_ids in(113,109,110) group by goods_id) a where 1 and (find_in_set('113',a.`attr_ids`) and find_in_set('80mm',a.`values`)) and (find_in_set('109',a.`attr_ids`) and find_in_set('SS-281A频率带宽110Hz~30MHz',a.`values`)) and (find_in_set('110',a.`attr_ids`) and find_in_set('30MHz',a.`values`)) ) and g.status=1 and uptime<=1741464608 order by addtime desc limit 0,20